
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Losing weight through honey

Gbex says:Many people ask, Isn't honey a type of sugar? Does it not add any weight? Won't the calories in honey negate your weight loss efforts? You are right - honey contains sugar. But unlike refined sugar, honey contains vitamins and minerals too.

Normally, to digest sugar, the vitamins and minerals stored in body are utilized, rendering the body devoid of these nutrients. These nutrients are essential to dissolve fats and cholesterol. Thus when you eat too much sugar you tend to increase weight not just because of the calories but due to lack of vitamins and minerals. On the contrary, honey being a good source of nutrients helps you in reducing weight.

Honey can also help in weight loss when consumed with warm water and lemon juice. Many people drink this formula first thing in the morning to reduce their weight.Honey also improves your digestion and thus helps in weight loss. Hence honey is also consumed after dinner especially after overeating.

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