As a public awareness it’s our duty to take care of our health to beat the heat. Here are some quick tips to make it up for the heat.
Basically we tend to expose more of our body to sun especially during summer which results in the loss of water from our body by process of draining (Sweat) and so there is a lack of resistance and energy. So maintaining the body water level is very important.
The simple best way to prevent your eye from heat exposure is to wear sunglasses. But if your sunglasses are not worth to protect your eyes from UV rays then throw it out. Already due to the depletion of Ozone layer, we are highly prone to UV rays, so the next times when you wear sunglasses make sure it protects you from UV rays.
In taking plenty of liquid foods like Juice, sodas, beer, shakes, WATER.
It is better to avoid heavy and fatty foods especially those which are oily.
Fruits are the best active energy agents that keep you active ever. As we all know a famous quote “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” fruits like grapes, watermelon keeps your body cool and regulate the heat.
Non-vegetarian foods should be avoided. Do not eat out-side or street cooked foods, try to switch for fresh and green vegetables at least for this summer.
Also summer heat makes your hair brittle leading to hair damage. Try to use hair moisturizes if you don’t use alternative hair polishers like coconut oil, cream, gel etc. Whenever you leave outside, it’s advisory to wear a hat to prevent direct ray exposing your hair. At least carry an umbrella whenever you go outside.
Try to avoid outing always, reduce your travels and air condition your house if possible or try to ventilate at most as possible. For protecting your screen use Sunscreen lotion.
Non-vegetarian foods should be avoided. Do not eat out-side or street cooked foods, try to switch for fresh and green vegetables at least for this summer.

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