
Friday, June 25, 2010

Doing nothing is really something

Gbex says:-- People nowadays work more than ever, all due to the easy nature of modern technology. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to take some real time off. Sure, it means something to be efficient and productive, but we all have to draw a line somewhere. After all, we are not robots.

I know people that even when they are on vacation, they still carry around their laptop and cell phone, and are never truly disconnected from their work. You see, real time off means that it’s time to focus on yourself. A few weeks ago, I went up north to a cottage with a friend and for the whole day, I did not turn on my cell phone or checked emails. That’s one of my most important rules for vacation time, whether I leave 1 week or 1 day. I disconnect myself completely from work and every day life. So imagine, with very little vacation time we already have compared with the rest of the world, we still pollute this very little time with such things that do not belong on a vacation. Do yourself a favor and next time you take some time off, do not use your phone or a computer. Only then can you truly take full advantage of your time off.

Time off is what it is….time to switch “off” everything. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, we are not robots. Sure, technology is nice. We can check emails on our cell phones regardless of where we are. We can work 24/7 via the Internet. But, it doesn’t mean that we have to. Make it a habit to include time away from work, bills, and all that stress within your own life, and watch how it will positively affect your level of happiness & success

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