
Friday, April 9, 2010

the story of faith

Lawrence says: It's been almost a year and 2 months now when I met Jay through the net. He was then faced with a serious problem: his little boy was so sick with a skippyheart that he would do any impossible thing possible to survive his infant son.

That was when he requested me to say a little prayer for his little boy. I did. I made a promise. I told him I will. I also asked my comrades in the manifold to do the same thing. After a year, his son's heart problem vanished. I didn't know what went on- jay told me one day when he sent me an email update about his son's healing. That was indeed an incredible faith.

I told Jay (picture inset) that it was his faith that cured his little boy's sickness and that my prayers and my comrades' prayers were just secondary in the healing experience of his son Jared.

On the day Jared was born a year ago, Jay and his wife Janice, prayed so hard for him and their prayers moved God's merciful and loving heart to put an end to their son's suffering.

On the day I got an email from Jay requesting me to include their son in my daily prayers, I told him that I willl absolutely pray for him on one condition that he and his wife would do the same and exert more than anybody else.

I also told Jay to give up one thing that he fancied most in his life and had it offered for his boy. He did though he did not tell me what abstinence or mortification he offered for Jared.

Yesterday evening, Jay met me at Rob Ermita for a second meet-up after the initial eyeball that we had during the occasion of his son's first birthday.

We had a sumptuous dinner at Cabalen's.

When Janice (picture inset) met me for the first time during the occasion of her son's first birthday, she was so delightful that finally we have met in person.

The day I came over amidst my embarrasment as I arived 30 minutes before the children's party wrapped up, (I blamed it on the trafficked streets of Manila) shame on me, LOL., Jay's parents and relatives were so glad that I have finally showed up in person.

Janice was more charming when I met her in person that day than when I saw her in her photos which were sent to me by Jay through the email attachments during his regular email updates about their son Jared.

That day was the day we all met in person after a year of being friends in the cyberspace. Yesterday, Jay handed me a bag from Janice's trip to Thailand and when I opened it, I was just enthralled to see a statue of a Thai godess! That was sweet of her to bring me one souvenir from Thailand.

The day Jared celebrated his first birthday, I saw in his parents' eyes and faces how happy they were for having him as God's gift to them.

That was the day I finally come to meet the boy I have prayed for one year with my mortifications, for the most part- abstinence from taking any kind of coffee either brewed, espresso or instant cofeemix.

The year of non-intake of caffeine made my prayers stronger, more focused and well-deserved.

This is Jared (picture inset), a bubbly healthy one-year old boy with no trace of any skippyheart problem and is indeed so robust and super hyper boy. And oh boy! he was so heavy I was struggling to keep him when I held him.

This is the story of an incredible faith!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why did I read this entry just now?
anyways, you are indeed heaven sent kuya dom for us kuya dom. you have shown care and love to my little boy when he was sick. Thanks for all your help.

I am so glad to have you as my friend. Thanks for including my family in this post.

P.S. I look so problematic in my picture here. can you change it to a happier one.I think I've got a better photo on my blog.


Thanks again kuya!


Jay aka Kuri

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