
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

spending Pentecost Sunday with God's noblest creatures...

Dom says: Last Sunday May 11th, I was invited by Josh of meandmydoves to join the Liturgical Eucharistic Celebration in celebration with the feast of Our Lady Peace and Good Voyage with his townfolks in Pajo Caloocan which coincides with the day's significance: Pentecost Sunday!

The Pentecostal and Fiesta Eucharistic Celebration started at 8:00Am and ended at almost 9:30AM. Shortly after the celebration, Josh invited me for an early lunch with his family nearby the Mariano Street Chapel where the celebration was held.

I was so moved by his kindness, not to mention his selfless dedication to the Catholic Church, and thoughtfulness when he showed me his doves up the rooftop (5th floor) of their residence!....His doves were tamed, and as a matter of fact, I enjoyed them immensely when I fed them on my palms with corns and nuts that we bought at his favorite (suki) store...

Err, let me go back to the day before my supposed-to-be coming-over to Josh's Church for the Pentecostal celebration (just to give you a background so you won't get lost) and the fiesta celebration as well.
The day was on a Saturday, May 10th, when he agreed to meet me at Starbucks Coffee(Midtown Wing) inside the Robinson's Mall Ermita. The first meeting with a blogger like Josh was significant as I wanted to see for myself the person behind the blog that depicts so much extremes in life.
So, then, the meet-up was successful! He treated me with my favorite cafee latee decaff. Before we parted ways, he gave me the exact location of where I will go for the Mass the next day.

Jumping to the moment when Josh showed me his doves, I was so ecstatic when a multitude of doves just flocked all over me, flying all over me and landing on my stretched arms...God's favorite creatures....the symbol of the Holy Spirit... the chosen creature whom St. Scholastica, twin sister of St. Benedict, chosed when she went up the heavens!.... I was so edified!

Josh and me on our first meeting at Starbucks Coffee Midtown Wing at Robinson's Mall Ermita

The Children's Choir that Josh moderates (Josh is on my right) in which its members mainly are children coming from Pajo Caloocan, pic taken after the celebration of the Holy Eucharist

Josh's doves busy with the nuts and corns I got from a store where Josh frequents for his dove's daily food supply

one dove was so tamed that it landed on my open palms for the feeds

Thank You Lord for this rare chance to have had touched Your most favorite creatures!

Thank You Jesus for this opportunity to have served Your most favorite little flying creatures

Lord, I received and touched the symbol of Your Holy Spirit, now I shall let them go to fly and land to other human creatures so they may also be touched of their hearts and souls...Amen!

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